How to Build an Under Water Autonomous Vehicle That Never Needs Re-Fueling

Can we build an underwater autonomous vehicle that never needs refueling? It is my belief that we can, and we could use some buoyancy, and gravity strategies to do just that. The underwater unmanned vehicle would glide in the water downward using gravity, and while gliding down it would use the flow of the water pushing against its side to generate power.

This power would be used to heat up molecules using vibrational frequency inside of a diaphragm, which would expand and allow it to go towards the surface, while it steered itself forward and at an upward angle. Then, as the molecules inside the diaphragm cooled it would start to sink again and glide in a downward angle to repeat the process. In this case it would have and unlimited range.

What can we use such an underwater unmanned vehicle for you ask? Well, we can use it for many things including securing our harbors, securing our coastline, protecting oil rig assets, seeking out pirates off the coast of Somalia. Or we could use it to collect oceanography data under the sea in areas that humans have not yet explored, looking for other species, and learning all we can about our own planet.

Because such a device would be underwater, the weight is not as important as it would be if it were an airplane. Therefore, we could put lots of scientific data and equipment on the craft or lots of surveillance equipment to help with security. There is an interesting innovator who designed a gliding balloon like airplane that could be used underwater, or in the Earth's atmosphere at Georgia Tech.

This idea and concept would be along those lines, only using a slightly different methodology, and trick of physics. I hope you will please consider this.

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